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The standard procedure is that a Brother or the Widow or dependent of the deceased Brother who is in need approaches the Circle Benevolent Board. They will consider whether there are grounds for making a claim and will ascertain the information necessary to apply for an award and will complete an application form which contains information on assets, liabilities, income and expenditure.

If you are in need please do not delay your application until your situation is dire. Doing so will only increase your level of debt and stress.


For small claims (currently less than UKP500) there is a Small Claims procedure that does not require an Application Form to be completed. The rules for this procedure are
Step 1

There needs to be hardship in the form of immediate need for relief of a one-off or very short-term financial problem.

Step 2

The requirement for such immediate relief of need must be certified by the Circle Benevolent Board and the Director or, exceptionally, by the Director alone.

The award shall be by way of a grant not exceeding UK £500 and paid to the Circle Benevolent Board or as otherwise agreed with the Circle Benevolent Board or Director.

Step 4

The grant shall be subject to the condition that the Circle Benevolent Board use it in relief of the specified immediate need in respect of which it was granted.


There may be those who feel that the financial enquiry is an intrusion, but the Trustees have an obligation to administer the Fund conscientiously, charitably and prudently. It often happens that the Trustees will decide on a course of action for the benefit of the applicant which is more generous or more effective than that suggested by the Circle Benevolent Board. The full information enables the Trustees to give very detailed consideration to cases and the awards to be made to give effective relief, using the expertise on the Board.

It must always be emphasised that the information is completely confidential to the Circle Benevolent Board and to the Trustees. The application form requests complete information on assets and liabilities, income and expenditure and some supplemental information, such as will help the Trustees get a comprehensive picture of the applicant’s position and need for aid.


The Managing Trustees are obliged by the Scheme to see that advantage has been taken of any assistance available to the applicant from other sources e.g. the Benevolent Fund of a professional or other body associated with the claimant. Also, that all entitlements from Social Security and other State and Local Authority departments have been claimed. Take a look at the website: www.turn2us.org.uk

If you or your dependants, Widow of a deceased Brother need financial support due to a real need that has arisen do please get in touch with your nearest Chair of the Circle Benevolent Board. He will give you every assistance in completing a claim and your claim will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.

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If you wish to view what details are required for an application then click below to download Application Form and Financial Statement.

Who is Eligible?

As a Catenian member, find out if you are eligible to funding from the Benevolent fund.

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Trust & Confidentiality

All benevolent cases are treated as strictly confidential to the members of the Circle Benevolent Board.

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Loans & Grants

Awards to beneficiaries of the Fund are made by way of grants and loans.

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What is 'Need'?

Find out what is meant by “need” as set out in the Legal Document relating to the Fund.

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How can we help?

Find out what circumstances can make you eligible for the Benevolent Fund.

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When we cannot help

Find out what categories are not included within the scheme for Funding.