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Helping with the rising cost of living

At the time of writing (June 2022) inflation has been recorded at its highest level since 1992.

Inflation affects the affordability of household goods and services including food, fuel= and energy prices – the latter also being affected by the increase in the energy price cap by 54%. Increases in taxes and The devastating war in Ukraine are also affecting our cost of living. Even with pen- sion increases and the Government pledges of support, most people will be worse off in 2022.

Where to get help if you are struggling

It might seem like a simple starting point, but know where you are starting from. It is worth looking at how much money is coming into your house- hold, and how much is going out. (within this web site click on Application Forms and down load a helpful Finance form). This will help you see if you are on the right track, if you need to make changes, or if you need to look for help. You can then put a plan in place.

Please also look at the Useful Contacts listing which provides the names of various governmental and private organisations that offer a variety of help.

Who is Eligible?

As a Catenian member, find out if you are eligible to funding from the Benevolent fund.

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Trust & Confidentiality

All benevolent cases are treated as strictly confidential to the members of the Circle Benevolent Board.

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Loans & Grants

Awards to beneficiaries of the Fund are made by way of grants and loans.

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Your Next Move

Find out the procedures required to put into action the next stages of funding.

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What is 'Need'?

Find out what is meant by “need” as set out in the Legal Document relating to the Fund.

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How can we help?

Find out what circumstances can make you eligible for the Benevolent Fund.

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When we cannot help

Find out what categories are not included within the scheme for Funding.