Any Brother who has reasonable grounds for thinking that another Brother or widow or dependant of a deceased member is in need should approach a member of the Circle Benevolent Board.
Benevolence is not always financial. It can be:
- Spending an hour or two with a sick Brother
- Mowing the lawn for a widow or a sick Brother
- Carrying out handyman type repairs for a widow or sick Brother
- Providing babysitting facilities for younger Brothers so that they can take their wives out
- Providing information on a matter of importance to the widow or a Brother regarding such matters as
- Tax affairs
- Children’s education
- Legal advice
Where the need is financial then please direct the person to the Chair of the Circle Benevolent Board.

There is a natural pride in individuals and a reluctance to apply for aid and this is fully understood. An individual will often try to struggle on hoping for an improvement in his financial situation.
If a Brother feels there are warning signs about another Brother then he should, in strict confidence, mention the matter to a member of the Circle Benevolent Board.
It is not always easy to spot that a person is in financial difficulties but typical signs are:-
- Reluctance to attend Circle functions and after dinner meals
- Late payment of subscriptions
- Request for waivers
- Loss of employment
- Downturn of his own business
- Failure to maintain property (especially widows)

Who is Eligible?
Any member of the Catenian Association, (no matter how long or short his membership), or a Widow of a deceased Brother may apply for assistance if he/she is in financial difficulties or dependant members of the family are in difficulties. In the latter case this would be, but not exclusively, the children of a deceased Brother who were financially dependant upon him to a greater or lesser extent at his death and whose need for support continues after his death.

Trust & Confidentiality
How can Brothers help to fulfil their commitment through the Benevolent Fund?
Two ways:
- By being sensitive to any signs that a Brother or Widow is in financial difficulty and mentioning it confidentially to a member of the
Circle Benevolent Board - By making donations to the Fund

Your Next Move
Find out the procedures required to put into action the next stages of funding.

What is 'Need'?
Find out what is meant by “need” as set out in the Legal Document relating to the Fund.